Sunday, December 19, 2010

The motherland

Back in the Midwest now. It's weird how much the ward has changed not just because of the ward boundaries changing a few months ago (I heard it called gerrymandering today because there is a random "u" cut out of the middle, and everyone knows they were rearranging leadership. It amused me a lot.) but because some of the kids have gotten so much older. One of them came to home teach my family today. He's about three years younger than me, so I've always seen him as really young. When he started talking my jaw almost dropped from how low his voice was, and then he said that he is joining the marines in a few months. What??? And a little infant boy that I babysat over the summer is now huge and has a head full of luscious, curly, blond hairs. I know I'm super young and my FHE brothers never fail to remind me of it, either, but these facts serve to make me feel a little older. And then all the adults remind me of how small I used to be and how they used to be my sunbeam/young womens/sunday school teacher. Weird. What an odd stage in life.
Another interesting occurrence: I thought I was going to get lectured about not dating anyone since I'm going to BYU, and I did a little bit, but some random lady I had never even seen before lectured me on how tall my heels were. That caught me off guard, I tried really hard not to laugh in front of her. I think I succeeded. The shoes are the ones pictured above...

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


I'm going home to the good ole Midwest in 3 days! It's weird how excited I am, I mean I love Christmas obviously, but I've been feeling weirdly Trunky for the past couple weeks. I'm way excited to see some of my friends from home. On my most boring days at work when I'm totally over working on HW (which is always) I've been making a list of things to do back home. The traditions, the restaurants that are only at home, the toys (dirt bikes and guns) that I don't have at school...This is going to be fantastic. If only there were going to be some boys there who I haven't known since my freshman year in high school...

I should be taking one of my finals right now, but my roomie is making me wait for her. Bah! Oh well, I don't like walking home from the testing center in the dark and I don't want her to either. It's creepy and right next to rape hill...Finals, ew! I'm so nervous for my stats and astronomy final. I should probably go study for those...