Tuesday, March 29, 2011


I've been way busy lately because my parents are in town! Actually my mom just left yesterday because she has a conference in Montreal, but Dad is here until Thursday. Saturday we went skiing with my brother, Sam, and his new girlfriend, Sarah. She is way cool. I approve. I haven't skiied in a really long time, but I survived and I even did a few runs by myself when my parents were too pooped.

On one of the rides up on the lift I was with this guy. I started chatting with him and I couldn't figure out where his accent was from, so I just asked him. Apparently he was originally from Germany, had lived in Australia for about 10 years and now lives in the Bay Area. He was telling me about his work in IT and his very sick relative who they had been worried about, but was not longer on her death bed. I heard about his wife's stress over it and his relief in her relaxation from their visit to Utah. He tried to explain his exact job regarding cameras, but it was beyond me, so I just nodded politely to that part. It was actually rather interesting. I was embarassed when he told me he was from Germany and I asked what part and he named an area that my brother had been in for a really long time. I said: "Oh, my brother served there for a while." And he clearly thought I mean military. Sometimes I forget that most people aren't Mormon...oh BYU.

You know those days when you just know that you're not going to get anything else done for the rest of the day in school terms. That was/is today. I did however get a lot of names done at the temple along with two of my awesome neighbors. Apparently Tuesday afternoons are the time to go. There was like no one there. I then went on a run with one of said neighbors. It was a good pace and I felt way good afterward and then I went to...Pirate Island! (After getting lost first) for a party for the people who had volunteered for the Rex Lee run. It was Awesome. It reminded me a lot of the Pirates of the Caribbean ride at Disneyland. The workers all dress as pirates-ish. And the decor is great. After eating pizza and talking about what we can do better/keep the same for next year, they gave us tokens to go play in the arcade part. I kicked trash at the rifles. If only i was that good of a shot in real life. I'm much better with handguns, but even then...speaking of, I'm going shooting on Friday! :)

Thursday, March 24, 2011


...how much Hermann Rorschach (creator of the ink blot test) looks like Brad Pitt:


We were talking about the ink blot test yesterday in class and the picture of Hermann was on the powerpoint. I assumed that they had made a movie about him and Brad Pitt had played the part until my teacher said: "Doesn't he look like Brad Pitt?" In my mind, I yelled "that's not him?? What?" Weird. I think they now need to make a movie about him just so they can cast Brad Pitt.
The Game is tonight!! Our boys will be taking on Florida!  Speaking of The Jimmer, I'm finally reading all the Michelle comments all the way through (for those of you not in the know, Michelle is a BYU student who wrote a letter to the editor about how people are too obsessed with Jimmer and are 'worshiping' him. they actually make "Michelle <3's Jimmer t-shirts and the like now.) Oh did people respond. She got Jimmered. Check it out:


Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Story of My Life

We had cleaning checks this afternoon, so naturally I just started cleaning this morning (in my defense, it stinks when you're all cleaning at the same time, and most of my roommates were cleaning last night and I didn't have class until 12.) I passed! Half my apartment failed. Haha. Partly because one of our bathrooms is disgustingly moldy (I moved my stuff out of that shower...) I guess I'll be awesome and help Mariah with that.

Luckily I got to my research assistant job way early (I actually usually do because I just eat in there before anyone comes. The room is small and has two comfy chairs...And it's kind of nice sometimes being away from busy campus life) because we had run out of papers that I needed to proceed with the study and it would have been awkward to call the professor when the participant was there.

I went to the library and watched a terrible movie about protestantism. Most of the movies from this company that makes them about different world religions are pretty good. They just show different clips of ceremonies and interviews. But this one had and actor playing Martin Luther who dominated most of the movie and he was not good! And all the hair in the movie was clearly fake. Martin Luther had a wig. Another guy plainly had a natural goatee that they had glued an awful handlebar mustache to for some incomprehensible reason.

I met up with my roommate to go to the temple and we skipped along  joyously, for we were excited to do baptisms.  But we had a sudden rude awakening when we saw a horde of young boys (deacon age) massed around the entrance to the temple. We went up to a man we assumed was one of the leaders and politely asked him if we could go to the font ('font,' not 'front'). He snobbily informed us that Tuesday nights are reserved for the Aaronic priesthood (of course, everyone knows that!) And then we had to walk home in the cold. It wasn't a really bad walk, but I was shocked that no one along the way offered us a ride. This never would have happened back home! Just on a walk the three blocks from my church building to my parent's house I would usually get at least four ride offers. I know those were generally people I knew from church, but this is Provo! Weird.

We rounded off the day by going running in the Smith, watching Lauren and Krislyn (two of my roommates) play intramural basketball (with a spectacular comeback, yeah, they're ballers), and pumping some iron.

A few friends put this link on their Facebooks. So funny. Check out "both versions" of Animal Farm:


Saturday, March 19, 2011

To the Future

Things that my future home will include: (Thanks to Pinterest)

Yes that is a chalkboard wall. The possibilities that chalkboard paint opens up...

A people wheel bookshelf. The practicality astounds!


 The veranda.

 A secret passageway? 


That is all.

Except it's getting to be Jimmertime...

Thursday, March 17, 2011

BYU Kind of Life?

Nice game! Way to take Wofford, Cougs. (Who even knew who they were before this game? We gave them publicity. How nice of Jimmer and the boys.)

Story: About a month into the semester one of my professors announced that this couple that had met in our class were engaged! What the what? They always sit in the front and are kind of lovey dovey, so he put his arm around her and I realized he now has a ring on his left hand. They already got MARRIED!! They didn't even know each other three months ago!!!

This is where all these ridiculous BYU stories come from. This is not the norm, but it certainly happens. I just don't understand...Although I haven't met anyone here yet. Maybe if I did I would be saying 'whoa, I need to snatch that up!' ...No...actually that still wouldn't be me. But to each their own I suppose.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Bridal Veil. Basketball. Dance.

This weekend was rather fun. Thursday night we hung out with our old FHE brothers as per us. and watched Wizard People. It's the whole Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone dubbed over by this guy who narrates the whole thing weirdly. It's way funny, but has quite a few cuss words. We had them fast forward through the worst parts. :) 

Friday night was, of course, basketball! Jimmer made 52 points!!!! It was so exciting. We didn't get that channel, so we had to stream it off the internet and hook the laptop up to the TV, so it skipped once in a while, but we stole saw Jimmer's spectacularness. (Yep, it's a word.) We also went to the Alpine Village dance party. Normally their's are way good, but it was really small for an Alpine Village party and we got bored really quickly and left. We decided to go to the hot tub, but on the way home we saw flashing lights and heard loud music coming from an apartment in a building near ours. Of course we had to go in. We made up about half of the party, but it was way fun alternative music! And we saw some people we knew even though there were only like ten people there. Then we did end up going to the hot tub and met some...interesting people.

 Saturday was again basketball...but let's not talk about that. Except to say that Brock got to play! He is soooo nice, I was glad he got some court time. Later on we went to Bridal Veil Falls. It was too icy to really hike up to the waterfall at all, but we wandered around near the bottom and told stories and played koomcha (sp???)  It was a way fun night, and we were even with a couple people we don't normally hang out!

Sunday Hannah and I went on a delightful walk. It was longer than I expected, but really fun. We sat in a park for about 15 minutes talking (I got a slight sunburn. Summer's here!) and then started heading back. But then some boys invited us to toss a football with them, so of course we had to stop. I'm terrible at football, but each time we got it, we had to tell an embarrassing story, so that was entertaining.

Sunday night I had dinner with my family. My younger cousins were so adorable! I'm so glad that I'm here for this stage in their life. They won't be young very long. I wish I got to see my nephew so much. I still haven't seen him in person.

And that's the weekend wrap up.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Catch a Cougar?

Two boys from the U just came by for catch a cougar (and awkwardly asked to use our bathroom. We really should keep it cleaner for such happenings...) I was definitely tempted, but my darling roommate Shayla was the only other one in the room and she isn't as venturesome as me. They would have bought us Brick Oven! But alas, she said no...I wasn't venturesome enough to go on my own. Who knows about those crazy U boys?? (or if they were even from the U for that matter!)

Random thought: Isn't it odd how we so easily forget people who were important in our lives albeit only in a useful manner. I was just thinking about this today because I got on the elevator in the SWKT with a girl who I knew I should know well from somewhere. It took me a whole minute to realize that she was my TA last semester. I saw her about 5 hours every week and she was even a funny TA and it was only a few months ago and I still didn't recognize her immediately. Though I guess it's also partly seeing the person outside of where you normally see them. But think about how many experiences like this you have had. I know I see people on campus all the time who I know I have some reason to say hi tom, but i can't remember why, so I don't say anything. I really need to just working on being a friendlier person and just say something anyway. I've actually been better about it than I was freshman year ( I made a goal of it :)  ).

I put my hair up in a bun when it was still wet and had it up all day. The result:

I've also decided that flannel shirts are one of the best things in this world. They are comfortable and warm and hot! This one from Papaya is my favorite. I think...Usually my favorite is just whichever one I last wore...

And...I was part of this!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Model. Number. Basketball.

This weekend has been fantastic. Thursday night we were planning on having a game night with some girls we know from last year. We didn't hang out with them too much last year, we just had some mutual friends and we think they're really cool. Of course all my roommates but one flaked out, but we still had a blast. Instead of having a game night one of the girls asked if we could model for her dad's girlfriend who teaches a photography class. She told us to dress up, so I wore that dress from H&M and Lauren wore a skirt. We get in the car and our friends are wearing jeans. We also realized that we weren't modeling for the dad's girlfriend, but for her class! Haha, it ended up being really fun, though. Some of the students were really awkward and I didn't really know what to do, but some were great at directing and telling me what poses to do, which was what made it so fun. We rounded off the day with ice cream from Sub Zero since that was the squeeze for the day (a coupon thing from restaurants all over Provo that you get texted every day). We had a blast with those girls, we definitely need to hang with them more often.

I almost forgot the best part though, on the way to the photo shoot we were driving and saw a boy in his car alone, so naturally we started waving and winking and then one of the girls rolled down the window and yelled for him to give us his number, so he did and I put it in my phone. We were texting for quite a while. Haha. It was way entertaining.

Last night we had a chill night with some games, talking, and part of an awful movie, I think it was called Arena. Terrible....and today was the basketball game!! It was soooo fun and fantastic since it was senior day. It actually made me really sad, though. I don't actually know them personally, but those boys are household names nowadays. We'll especially miss Jimmer and Emery. Tonight we have been volunteering for Krislyn's 3 on 3 basketball tournament that she organized for class. It went really well and we got to meet Brock, Nick, and Noah from the basketball game.

We just realized that since we have a long running joke with me and broccoli, I need to marry a boy named Brock. Get it?! Too bad the Brock we just talked to is already married, we'll have to go on a search for him...

P.S. We had to return the taxodermy animals that we had rented. We really miss Mouth, Charles, Genevieve, and Krislyn (the cougar) already!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

I've been waiting my whole life...

for this...

My shampoo and conditioner ran out at the same time!

Yesterday was way fun. We played laser tag for FHE, I didn't do very well, but it was still an excellent time. I find it ironic that last time I went I did much better and about half of the group was in the ROTC. What is the nation coming to??
I also had some excellent spoon it up. I hope I just made you crave it. Bring me some!