Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Holy Crepe! Look, I'm updating my blog! In the words of one of my favorite roommates: "What the Fuzzy?!?!"
Anywho, so updates: I'm taking a break from transcribing. Blech. Kind of boring...I'm also frustrated with my church history class, I study a lot and feel like I know the content and get perfects on the short answer parts, but the multiple choice is killing me. I always get a B! Aaaagh! It is a three hundred level class, but I don't know what else I could be doing...Ugh.
I am also somewhat addicted to "Overheard at BYU" on FB, if you haven't checked it out... are you not a student here or do you live under a rock? I just love reading all the funny Zoobie comments and professor's weird statements.
Creamery ice cream is delicious. Mmmmmmmm....I had to have some since we skipped Tradition Tuesday(going to Baskins and doing the buy one sunday, get one free thing) today since no one wanted to walk or use precious money.
We finished our stupid psych test that we've been taking as a group in my history of psychology class. We met four times for over two hours. Gross. Apparently the two older kids in my group didn't think we were freshmen, though, which is kind of awesome.
I am so excited that we will be with RMs next year. Granted some of them will be really weird, but at least all our friends won't be leaving at the end of the year or at semester. And the majority will hopefully be more mature...although by the actions of a certain guy in our ward, I'm not putting too much trust in this...ah well.

My Roommate, Mariah, is complaining that her "stupid plant" is still not growing. I'm pretty sure that she drowned it. That is all.


  1. Leigh,
    you're crazy. And i love it. And your about me says you're called Liberty Bell! haha

  2. Haha. My friend back home calls me that...
