Monday, July 9, 2012

Little Things

I saw something traumatic in the park today, so it's a good thing everything else today has been great. Examples:
The kids were good this morning. I let D play with my hair because he has never pulled it before. He was making some weird noises and stroking something across my head. Then Ang explained that he was pretending to shave my head because they had their heads shaved last week. Haha! He also repeated “okay” when I just randomly said it, which was really exciting! We also got him to say 'Ajutor!'

I was fanning myself this morning and then I realized that G must be hot, too. So I started fanning him. He looked confused at first and then put on this face of utter bliss and giggled. It was the cutest thing of my life.

N said a word really well today, so I opened my arms for a big hug. He yelled Nu! And shook his head. I looked really sad like I was going to cry and then he felt bad and rand up and kissed my hand.

We only have two weeks left. I can’t believe that! In two weeks, I’ll be gone. I’ll never see my kids again. I won’t even really know how they’re doing or where they go. I'm excited to go home, but I feel guilty about that because I'm leaving these kids here alone. They have workers, but they are there  to provide for their physical needs, not emotional needs. The next interns aren't even going to be coming for another month and a half! I hope the kids don't regress too much. I get to go home to my parents and they don't even have any and most never will.

I fell in love with 2 older kids at the hospital today. One of them, Danny, was 15 and got drug by a horse. He didn’t talk to us much at first, and then Kelsey let him play with her iphone and he would throw us mischievous looks every time he died in Temple run and say “I’m dead!” He was so funny.
And Peter was in the room, too. He got hit by lightning and liked to talk a lot. His hands were burned, so he couldn’t play with the iphone, but he watched Danny and talked to us. At one point I started fanning him because it was burning hot in the room. He thought it was the funniest thing on the planet. Then all 3 of us (Kelsey, Megan, and I) were fanning him and he just laughed like a king.

Some of the girls gave E in the hospital today a Mohawk. Chelsea and I were the last ones in the room and I was holding her and then 5 kids walked in to stare at us. I had to make awkward conversation with them in my crappy Romanian. It was rough, but E kept smiling up at me, so I got through it.

I got Scotty to smile a lot today by tickling him. He’s growing some teeth now and looks like a little redneck missing his teeth instead of gaining them. It’s great. His feet were peeling awfully today, so I put some lotion on them. They looked like the tectonic plates at the end of the world.

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