Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Oh! So many things going on now. Probably most of them I shouldn't mention since they're not mine to tell. Alas. My roommate has a boyfriend now, which is sad. I mean, it's fun for her, but I feel like I'm losing my best friend. Oh well, these things happen, I guess I'll just have to find a guy. Haha. Actually it always surprises me when I think about it; I feel like there are so few guys here that I would date. You'd think there would be tons since I'm at BYU. I guess I just haven't found them, which is excellent since I'm so young. My sort-of-missionary gets back in April and I'm scared to death. That's not very soon for a procrastinator like me, though.
This lame girl I know, Hannah, kept ringing this super annoying bell on her stupid scooter. What a jerk.
I just paid tuition, why is school SO MUCH MONEY?! Even when most of it is paid for by tithing. Bah!